Design and Implementation of a Volunteered Geographic Information System for Gas Urban Network

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. Graduated in Geographic Information Systems Engineering, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran

3 Assistant Professor, Remote Sensing Engineering Group, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman


Nowadays existing urban network problems and resolving them is nation wide problems so that one of the most important and most expensive units in urban services companies is events system. In urban networks infrastructure during events, access to spatial data and suitable descriptive and relevant to the current situation at the event site is essential. National Iranian Gas Company by having more than 17,000 km of gas pipelines, it has one of the largest collection spatial and attribute data. During incidence of events in many cases need to cut off  gas in part that damaged, so identify the nearest valves to event site is of the most important factors. In this study, it was shown that Volunteered data can be many help to identify the nearest valves to event site and using Volunteered Geographic Information environments and native people information could be a faster and less costly way to update the maps  and expedite the process of servicing in Gas urban network, while occurrence of problems such as Gas pipes leakage, pipes rupture and in general while events occurrence. People by observing such events, their information shared on this system and of course the relevant authorities after becoming aware, can do necessary action. After modeling and design of the proposed system, its implementation was done in the frameworks and softwares cited in article. Finally, according to the questioning results from people, about 83 percent of participants in the inquiry were satisfied with the designed system. Also, questioning results from seven water organization experts, five of them were satisfied with designing such a system.
