Critical assement of assests and areas in the city using interdependency analysis – An urbun planning approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher, Malek ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student, Department of Urban design, Industrial University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Assets are one of the determining factors in vulnerability assessment of cities. However, not all assets have the same effects on vulnerability. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize assets based on their criticality for the system. Criticality is defined as the value of the asset for the system along with the long-term and short-term consequences caused by it in case it is damaged or destroyed. Geographical, physical and temporal interdependency analyses were used in this research to determine the criticality of each asset. However, establishing the most critical assets is only one part of risk assessment. Therefore, in order to have a more efficient planning, it is necessary to ascertain the critical areas as well. Unfortunately, the existing literature on interdependency analysis lacks adequate research in this area and as a result this type of analysis has not been used in urban planning despite the potentially beneficial applications of this concept in the field. In the methodology proposed in this article, calculated criticality and aggregation of assets were taken into account to assign criticality to different areas. Since some of the data needed for this procedure is considered to be classified information, a hypothetical area with hypothetical assets was used in the case study. The results indicate that, between assets in this example. The electric power infrastructure has the highest criticality whereas assets such as museums and radio and TV center have the lowest criticality.
