Site selection of Emergency Accommodation in Kerman City by using GIS

Document Type : Research Paper


Instructor, Civil Faculty, Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan, Iran


Reducing the vulnerability of cities to natural disasters such as earthquakes is considered as one of the main goals of urban and urban planning. Hence, the first step is to identify the safe areas of the city for the construction of a shelter against earthquakes. This research aims to identify and zonate safe areas of the Kerman city during earthquakes and to manage the crisis using spatial information systems. Because the safety of urban areas depends on several criteria, the model of the research is a multi-criteria model and according to the spatial nature of the criteria, implementation of the model was done in the GIS environment. Safety criteria of urban areas were determined by the Delphi method and preparing questionnaires from urban planners, constructors, architects and studying past works. These criteria are
utility matrix (ground resistance) criteria, criteria of adaptation matrix (1- neighborhood to compatible uses: parks and green space, and distance from health centers & urgent cares 2- Non-adherence to incompatible uses: major explosive industries such as gas-petrol stations and military centers) and the matrix of capacity (population density). Each of these criteria was ranked according to the inverse hierarchical analysis method and then modeled in the GIS environment. Finally, by using analytical functions maps of safe shelters in Kerman were prepared. Our results indicate that the most
suitable places for the construction of shelters are in regions 2 & 3 in the Kerman city, which should be prioritized in the city plans. Finally, after the definition of the land reference database for urban routes, the geometric network of the distances of the area was designed to react more quickly to shelters to provide services to injured people after the crisis. By designing the geometric network of passages and defining the limits for each path, such as the length of the route and the presence of the traffic lights, it is possible to determine the best route to the closest shelter by using network analysis at the time it is needed.


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